Closer to understanding your gear, closer to nature, closer to unlocking your potential for better photos

THE BIGGER PICTURE ON SMALLER THINGS ~ Macro photography brings the smaller things in our surrounding into a larger picture. These often create outstanding images beguiling the minds and soothes the sights of many. For what the human eye may miss, the camera beholds.
Looking for your subjects in the forest leads to a path of many new discoveries. There are various types of flora and fauna in which, each possess the attributes and potential that never fail to challenge and astound creativity.
The forest is filled with various photo opportunities and your path to discovery begins here.
Insects, and spiders that inhabit the Earth can make some of the most fascinating and dramatic subjects. Their environment offers the photographer an unlimited amount of color, texture, and physic al architecture to explore.
Happening: macro photography workshop
When: 16th March 2013 – 9.30am-3.30pm
Where: Nature Education Centre (NEC) in the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)
Register at:
Sanjit’s Works:
Amir Ridhwan Works:
…Usually are hit on the pitch, but when the entire world is your playing field, then you are the master of your own game.
Our rocking and rolling brother Yeng ( got hitched recently and we’re the ‘unofficial’ shooters for the party. Though we prepped up with the glidecams and magic-rams for the pre-wedding shoot (Feb 2011) at a nearby (nearby depending which part of the world you’re from) park before the (April 2011) traditional Chinese Tea Ceremony and later that evening was the grand finale at the most decorated garden dinners ever realized.
Fortunately for us, we were there to take in the atmosphere, to be with the greatest people of whom we love the most, and finding ourselves shooting more of the ‘shooters’ rather than working the gear.
All in the good spirit of fun and the familia – Thank you for the most memorable moments of our lives… HOMERUN!!!
Congrats!!! Yeng & Ade (
Our good buddies a Dr. Prat (also a member of the WL33 crew)and Dr. Gaya (latest, down on paper, addition to the familia) recently got hitched with a civil marriage ceremony at their residence. We were there to reccee and set up a studio the night before and garced the ceremony with Mr. Yeng as our guest photographer. Images in Sephia tone by Yeng and Sanjit.
A beautiful intimate wedding held at Jeumpa D’Ramo, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur on the 24th July 2010. The lovely couple, Zatalini and Fazrul committed themselves to each other during the Nikah ceremony on that sunny Saturday afternoon. The ceremony went through smoothly and guests enjoyed great ambience, great music and great food. Our best wishes to the newlyweds! Pictures by Sanjitpaal Singh.
This event is in collaboration with on of the more illustrious printers, Perdana Graphic to shoot people portraits in an ‘Alice in Wonderland style’ at a ready studio, print and deliver on the spot. The popular response, in a typical, shocked beyond words style… “Done already!!!??”